If you are thinking about applying for a loan or a mortgage, you have probably been advised to check up on your credit score. Your credit record is important, because it is used by lenders to assess your likelihood of being able to meet loan repayments, based on past performance.
A lender might refuse to offer credit to someone with a history of poor financial management, because it represents too much of a risk for them. While this is true, there are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about the way credit records are used. Here are some common misconceptions.
There is no relation between your income and your credit score. Credit reference agencies (CRAs) do not take into account your earnings or savings, or any benefits that you receive. However, lenders will want to look at your income and savings, to work out how much they are prepared to let you borrow, on the basis of your ability to meet repayments.
This is not true. Some lenders may even view a well-managed credit card as a positive indicator, because it provides evidence that you can meet regular loan repayments on time. However, if you frequently fail to repay your credit balance in full each month, or default on payments, this will damage your credit score.
The UK has three major CRAs, which are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. They do not use a standard criterion to work out your score, and your ratings can change over time. Therefore, you should always cross check the major CRAs, because sometimes a simple spelling error, or other incorrect information, can make a big difference to your score.
CRAs are not allowed to collect or hold any personal data that is not directly related to your finances. They do not collect information about your medical history, or criminal record. However, if you have been the subject of a County Court Judgement (CCJ), this will appear on your credit report.
A CCJ may occur if someone has taken court action against you because of failure to repay a debt. A CCJ will remain on your credit score for six years. However, it is not an automatic barrier to getting a loan or mortgage deal. There are specialist lenders who will consider non-standard cases.
They will look at your financial situation as a whole, rather than one particular aspect of it. In the case of an adverse event such as a CCJ or bankruptcy, they will look at how long ago it occurred, how much money was involved, and if you repaid the debt.
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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with your mortgage repayments.
There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend on your circumstances. The fee is up to 1% but a typical fee is £595.
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Create Finance Limited. Registered Office: 35 Friar Gate Studios, Ford Street, Derby, Derbyshire, England, DE1 1EE. Registered in England Number: 09582938.
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend on your circumstances. The fee is up to 1% but a typical fee is £595.
The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime, and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK. The actual rate available will depend upon your circumstances. Ask for a personalised illustration.
We may receive commission that will vary depending on the lender, product or permissible factors, The nature of any commission model will be confirmed to you before you proceed. Create Finance Ltd are a credit broker, not a lender.